Return & Exchanges

Need to return or exchange your product? We accept returns if the product is still the original state (unused – no wear and tear) and packaging and shipped back to us within 14 days of receipt.

If your product qualifies for a return or exchange, please reach out to us using the form below and we will provide details on how to mail the desk back. Once we receive the item and inspect it, we'll give you a full refund minus what we paid for shipping and handling.

Cancellation Policy

In an effort to get your order to you as quickly as possible, we often ship the same business day and are unable to guarantee order cancellation or changes to orders once they've been placed.

Already placed the order? No problem, please reach out to us at and we'll try our best to cancel or modify the order.

How to Setup my Desk?

Received your desk but did not receive instructions or are having problems with setup? Please see the links below. It explains how to setup the desk and what to do if it is wobbly/shaky.

Original Tripod Desk

Tripod Desk Pro

All our product are designed to be setup with MINUTES and if you are still facing any problems, please reach out us at and share a short video of your desk.

My Desk Arrived Damaged

Sorry to hear your desk arrived damaged! We inspect every order before shipping, but unfortunately, it's not always handled with care once it's with the logistics companies. Please email us at with a description of the issue and pictures so that we can get your desk up and running.